LTE Mobile and Data Subscriptions
The telecom industry has so far launched a number of types of mobile subscriptions from cheap to high, pre-paid to postpaid, monthly or yearly that are fixed amount or paid according to the usage of customers. The mobile recharge with network access has lead to global mobile penetration that is growing fast to reach 100% mark. So far millions of users had been benefited to use both the services at the same time and one can witness the considerable growth of mobile broadband today even in the remote areas where they still lack transportation services which are not available to people for travelling.
Did you ever heard about LTE telecommunications and its various mobile subscriptions? Today LTE which is referred to as Long-Term Evolution is best telecommunication service provider that meets standard for high-speed wireless communications to operate on different mobile devices, data terminals that are available as GSM/EDGE, and UMTS/HSPA technologies. LTE is partnered with China Mobile, SoftBank Mobile, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, Clearwire, E-Plus and Aero2.
LTE is operational on different frequency bands to let the user choose his range of mobile subscriptions. There are mainly two types of frequency bands that just differ in their frequency spectra and network deployment. The two data transmissions of LTE: the first is the LTE-TDD which stands for Long-Term Evolution Time Division Duplex that works on higher frequency, cheaper to access has less traffic, and the second is the LTE-FDD which stands for Long-Term Evolution Frequency-Division Duplex that works on lower frequency. Despite this difference both the LTE types share 90% of core technology and are heading forward to use same chipsets and networks to access on both versions.
Today LTE-TDD with international interest had expanded across the Asia for commercial deployment in major cities and towns and received global acceptance for lower cost of deployment than LTE-FDD. Now LTE tele services and band are accessible on Nokia, Samsung, Qualcomm mobile devices to ease the customers with both features across Asia.
Did you find your LTE mobile subscription? LTE is having two frequency bands namely LTE-TDD and LTE-FDD. Among the both LTE-TDD has reached globally and their services are accessible on any Samsung, Nokia, Qualcomm devices that offers both tele services and network connections as they are cheap to deploy for commercial use and hence spread all across the Asia.