As you age, your skin is aging too.
Your skin doesn’t have to show your age. Simple prevention goes a long way when it comes to skincare. The formula for a younger-looking skin could be as close as your medicine cabinet. That’s because using the right skin-care products can make a big impact on your complexion.
And besides, you don’t know how to stop the clock. You can’t stay forever young, your skin will be aged and will have wrinkles sooner or later. But preventing it first will slow the progress.
Remember that your skin is also a living organ that changes over time. So, adjusting your skincare will help your skin to stay healthy and looking youthful.
That’s why today, this article will share with you the four best anti-aging tips for your skin.
1.Use a Gentler Face Wash
When you cleanse your face, you can use a product that has a gentle formula.
Because as you age, our skin tends to get less oily, and more sensitive. So if you still having acne breakouts, you may want to use a gentler facial wash instead of acne-drying facial wash.
Try using a mild face wash that uses essential fatty acids to deliver major hydration for the skin. You can ask a dermatologist for a piece of advice on what could be the best product that can hydrate the skin.
When washing the face, make sure you’re using a light hand. Cleansing in gentle, circular motions and don’t scrub your face. Aggressive scrubbing can irritate your sensitive skin and can accelerate aging progress.
2. Start Using Retinoids for the Face
As you a person continue to age, the skin begins to lose its natural collagen. This protein is responsible for keeping our skin to look smooth and lifted.
Having a small amount of collagen in our skin can result from a wrinkled look. And experts agree that the best line of a barrier is to use a retinoid, the stronger version of Vitamin A.
You can find gentler forms or retinoid skin creams over the counter. But remember, avoid using retinoid with benzoyl peroxide, medicine to treat acne. Because benzoyl peroxide can oxidize retinoids and making them less effective.
3. Don’t Forget to Wear Sunscreen
Applying sunscreen to your skin with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 and higher is great protection for age spots and discoloration. However, not all sunscreens are the same when it comes to ensuring supple skin.
Try using a sunscreen with moisturizing effect than those products that contain alcohol sprays which can dry out your skin. Look for sunscreens that contain antioxidants to protect collagen in your skin.
4. Get a Facial Massage
Once in a while, it’s important to have a schedule with your derma to perform a facial massage that your skin deserves to have. It improves your skin elasticity to make your skin feel younger and softer. If you don’t have time to visit your derma or any facial spa near you, you can buy a facial massage tool like FasciaBlaster which you can use to massage your face anytime and anywhere.