Confidence is often a key issue when it comes to dating. Lack of confidence and self-esteem often afflicts men, but it does not exempt women from feeling this either. When it comes to dating men or women, confidence is an important attribute that can make or break a potential relationship. Too much or the lack of confidence can be a devastating turn off for either man or woman, which is why a sufficient amount of confidence will do all throughout the course of the date. Of course, it takes a lot of effort to build up your confidence the right way. If you do it the wrong way, it will leak like bad spraying systems.
Dating is always misunderstood
Dating is a process which is loved, hated, and endured by most people just to find their soul mates. Dating app is fun, boring, exciting, or frustrating, depending on how it went. In reality, if dating was as easy as breathing, books like “Dating Makes You Want to Die But You Have to Do It Anyway” and other self-help dating books would not exist. The truth here is that, we put too much pressure on dating, that we forget its essence, which is to get to know the person we are going out with. We put too much pressure on where we should go, how things should go, and how people should see us, instead of just having a simple night out with a potential partner for life.
Confidence is the key
Confidence is built properly when you acknowledge your weakness. Oftentimes, people who are in denial of their weaknesses will be more insecure about themselves than those who acknowledge their weak points. For example, I may not have the looks of Alex Pettyfer or Channing Tatum, but I can make up for it by being able to converse properly. You see, your weaknesses are paired with strengths, which will only show up as long as you acknowledge the former. If you do not do this, you will suffer from dating stage-fright. You can try a simple exercise by writing all of your weaknesses on one side of the paper, and strengths on the other side. This will help you passively and unconsciously admit all your weaknesses. This exercise will also develop your humility.
Don’t set too high expectations
Your expectations for the night or date are another crucial factor in building up your confidence. Where do you want to go tonight, or how do you want the night to end? These are just some of the important questions that will help you establish your expectations from the date, and in the process, you will be able to know your partner’s side as well. Remember how we always prepare for presentations by wanting to succeed? Well, that concept applies to dating in similar levels. This level of confidence that we get from presentations can be achieved if we recognize what we want from it. In this case, we want the date to go well and we want to build a casual or romantic relationship with the person.
When you follow these two simple advices, your confidence level should be enough to help you succeed.