In this globalised era, the world has become a small village. Boundaries are not stopping people from fulfilling their dreams.
You can go to any country to get educated in your dream college. You can work anywhere in the world.
People move to different countries with different reasons, some could be to pursue education, some to do business there etc.
People might have migrated to other countries because they think they find a better opportunity to earn money or get skilled in their choice of profession or it could be because of war or some emergency conditions in their own country etc.
But very few people think of coming back to their home land to serve their own country once their goals are done or things are settled down in their countries.
Hamed Wardak is one great example who returned to his homeland and dedicated much of his life to serve his fellow nations.
He was born in Afghanistan and his father was a Defence Minister. He them moved to Pakistan and US. He studied in the US and got his graduation degree from Georgetown University in Washington D.C. He finished his studies and returned to his home land soon after his studies.
He helped people with provisions and medical equipment during civil war in the country. He supports refugees and very concerned about them. He started a venture named Ludas Athletics and routed profits for the betterment of refugees.
He started the Campaign for a US-Afghanistan Partnership along with other founders. Both America and Afghanistan people involved in this project working for achieving sustainable development.
He is working for the prosperity of Afghanistan people and helping the local youth with scholarships. His philanthropic work in his home land is commendable and changing the place a better one.
He surely stood as a role model for people migrated to other countries for different purposes.