If your loved one will consider a Drug Rehab, you must join his/her journey to recovery. Keep in mind that the journey to recovery should not be tackled alone. In the end, family participation during rehab is crucial.
Before anything, you should know the process. Here’s a look:
- Intake: intake is the first step. Intake is conducted by treatment professionals, which will determine a patient’s medical and family history including drug abuse. If you join intake, you should expect a lot of paperwork to fill out including a treatment consent form. While you are at it, do not forget to read the confidentiality policy.
- Creation of treatment plan: as soon as intake is over, you should expect the creation of a treatment plan. During this stage, you can ask many questions so you can also understand what is your role in the recovery of your loved one.
- Treatment: the next and the most arduous process is treatment. The actual treatment will commence with a period of detoxification. This stage, your loved one’s body should purge the drugs inside the system. Once detox is finished, different modes of recovery will commence. The treatment plans will be modified along the way to ensure that therapeutic activities fit your loved one’s needs.
- Continuing care: remember that continuing care is important for great progress. The ideal treatment center should provide continuing care in the form of support groups and counseling sessions. Keep in mind that continuing care is a life-long process that requires maintenance.
The treatment process is overwhelming for your loved one that is why you must take part. The good news is that there are many ways that you can assist in your loved one’s recovery. Here’s how:
- Participate in family therapy: the basic thing that you can contribute is to participate in family therapy. The addiction will negatively impact the whole family, which can lead to trauma. You mustn’t miss this because it can help heal the relationship. The goals of the sessions include building trust, improving communication and understanding.
- End personal substance use: as a support, you must remove access to substances.
- Give up enabling activities: you should realize that family members enable addictive behavior without realizing it. For instance, if the loved one is experiencing intense withdrawal symptoms, you can give money to help ease the symptoms when in fact you are doing more harm than good. In the end, your loved one will still struggle with the addiction.
- Attend 12-step meetings: family members and friends should attend the 12-step meeting. These meetings are “closed”, which means that only those who are struggling with the addiction should attend so they can offer the drive and show support.
Final words
Now that you know how to assist a loved one’s substance abuse recovery, it is time that you look for the right treatment program. The ideal treatment program should have the right amenities and staff. To give you more idea about the rehab center, you can check for reviews.