As you grow older, you will realize how important it is to keep your countertops beautiful and neat as much as possible. Which are you often times opt for a material that’s not only beautiful but also durable? How about Granite?
Granite countertops work well in the kitchen and bathroom. It has the perfect texture, stone and definitely the perfect design that will put your visitors in awe.
Today, I will talk to you these 5 reasons why you should choose granite for your countertops.
Choosing Granite Countertops
There are a lot of beautiful designs that you can consider in choosing for your countertops, but granite for your countertops makes it more remarkable and stunning.
Here’s a guide for you on why you should be choosing granite countertops more than anything else.
1 it’s tough and durable
One of the best things about granite is that it is tough and extremely durable. It’s infact rock-hard. It’s also the second to diamond in terms of its hardness of natural materials— see? It’s that solid.
It is perfect for countertops as it can last you longer than any usual countertops. Granite resists easy scratching, cracking and chipping. Thus, because of its hardness, it is also heat resistant.
2 Maintenance comes easy
Maintaining granites does not literally give one a pain in the head, because it’s easy to do. You can clean granite tops using soap and water, or with a cleanser best used for granites. However, just make sure that to save you from maintenance, you must properly seal your countertops. Good thing if you can let a professional do the installation for you. If it’s sealed properly and according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, granite countertops will perfectly resist straining and bacteria.
3 Home Value booster
Granites are a perfect home value booster! Granite Boosts a Home’s Value— it makes your home more valuable and more attractive for your visitors and even for yourself.
Especially if you’re thinking of selling the house, it would be easier to sell them if you have countertops that are made of granites because a lot of people are attracted to them. Moreover, the more you invest in greater things for your home it also increases the value of your home.
4 Long-term investment
Granite countertops are best for investment, it can even last for 30 years or so if it’s well taken care of. That means it will save you from upgrades and repairing your countertops for several times a year, it will also save your money from such expenses.
Also, in the long run, granite countertops are also becoming a cost-effective solution for a lot of homeowners.
5 They are a real beauty
It’s undeniable how granite can effectively turn your countertops into a beautiful thing. They’re quite attractive too— one that’s worth seen on TV and movies. The natural appeal of the stone, the texture the gentle hue definitely sets apart from all other materials.