If you are looking for the templates regarding the pattern then you can find them on our website. The contrast fabric of the same dress size is required as the lining. You can start by printing off and cutting the template of your choice. In every fabric you need to cut two front pieces and two back pieces while stitching the dress. You must make sure that the grain of cord will run down the dress. The little toddlers are obsessed with bunnies and they always have bunnies in their tow. You should adapt to a gorgeous pattern if you decide to purchase a little bunny dress.
Every pocket is sewn on the right side together with minimum allowance. A small gap is left at the base in order to turn out the paws in the required shape. When you cut the shape of the paws, a bond is attached and then pressed carefully onto the pocket. Two small oval shapes in fabric are required to make the eyes of the bunny face. The shape of the nose can be cut using the fabric and for the whiskers, three lines are marked on both sides of the nose.Some dresses at아동복쇼핑몰 will have a slight lower neck on the front side. The pockets are called as the little paws for the bunny dresses. To stitch the paws you need to cut the oval pieces of the cord and lining in the required diameter at아동복쇼핑몰.
Button holes:
The ears are placed right near the top of the dress. A Hem can be created by sewing a fabric back twice along with the bottom of the dress. The buttons can be attached on the back piece of the dress by placing a hole for the button on the front. The ears will not get lost as a standing effect is provided for the ears. You will really be impressed with the curved edges and armholes around your neck. The Taylor’s chalk can be used to stitch the bunnies with the sewing machine. The ears can also be cut using the fabric once the face is ready.