Early when animation was introduced it was considered as a skillset used for making cartoons and giving life to hand drawn sketches. The myth was broken when computer came into existence. Apart from the usual entertainment industry computer animation has gained immense important in various other fields as well.Education, business, gaming, advertisement and manufacturing are few of them. The possibilities of the use of animation is vast and endless. Every now and then there are skilled animators coming with new and innovative ideas making this industry one of the most extensively used!
Pointers and briefing: places where animation is extensively used.
Animation industry is very wide and versatile. May be this is the only technology that is a part of every field, you name it and you will find the presence of animation technology there. Some of the most influenced areas are:
- Education: when it comes to teaching and learning, visual learning as proved to be very effective. It is a fact that 65 percent people learn fact through virtual learning. Many schools and learning institutions have already replaced the traditional learning process with digital learning. Many difficult concepts are made easier for the students with the help of animated videos and graphics. Thus, paving ways to better academic progress.
- Business: well, many of us are aware of the benefits of digital world in business arena. The new generation business world is keen towards developing their business differently from the traditional ways. They believe in the concept of customer comfort. The progress of business lies on how fast your customer gets your idea. Animation industry helps the client to know your company better. The explainer videos for business helps you to convey your business ideas to the client in a better and easier way.
- Gaming: The word “game” is more than enough. The gaming industry is one popular and revenue making industry. Animation comes as part and parcel when gaming industry is considered.
- Advertisement: Advertising is all about selling! And it is a fact that one need to get into customers psychology to convince him in buying the product. A good advertisement is backbone of the product to be sold. Advertisement are about creative ideas that are used to capture the customers imagination.
These are like few drops in the ocean. Animation plays a significant role in the developing the world in to better place and paves way for an easier life.