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What is the CT scan?

Computerized Axial Tomography ( CT ), now simply defined as CT (Computed Tomography), is a radiological method which, using type X radiations (exactly like those of simple radiographs), is able to reconstruct thanks to the sections of the body even beyond below the millimeter, thanks to the use of special computer programs CT scan in Sparta.

To carry out the examination, the patient is lying on a bed which is part of the equipment.

What is the exam for?

The CT scan is a second level method generally indicated after the execution of radiographic or ultrasound examinations or following specialist visits.

It is  widely used in the search for primary neoplasms or secondary localizations. It also finds an important use in the study of the central nervous system (especially the brain) and the vascular system (especially for the study of the arteries).

In addition to the traditional fields of use (neurological, skeletal, traumatological, thoracic, abdominal, oncological, gynecological, vascular), the CT scan is also indicated for the study of the urinary system (Uro TAC), of the large intestine (virtual Colon CT), of the coronary arteries (Cardio TAC).

Finally, it is also widely used in the emergency following hemorrhages and cerebral ischemias, thoracic and abdominal aneurysms, pulmonary embolisms, traumas of various kinds.

Is it true that the radiation dose in CT scan is high?

To carry out CT studies, doses of radiation higher than those of a normal radiograph are used (even 40-50 times higher).

For this reason it is important that the examination is justified and has a correct clinicalquestion.

Our staff is properly trained in order to perform high quality examinations with the lowest possible dose to the patient. Furthermore, our TAC equipment has modern image reconstruction filters that allow a dose reduction of up to 50% compared to equipment that does not have them.

However, it should be remembered that the doses of radiation used in radiology are substantially lower than the dose that it is certain to cause harm to the patient.

Will I be notified of the result immediately after the exam?

The CT exam involves the acquisition of many images that often require further reconstructions before they can be interpreted. The radiologist, therefore, needs to have all the examination available and a lot of time to be able to make a correct reading.